Filed under: Agile, Clean code, Java, Software craftsmanship, TDD, — Tags: Simplest possible solution — Thomas Sundberg — 2011-11-16
The simplest possible solution that could work. Ever heard that expression? What does it mean? Really?
The answer is obviously something that in a really simple way satisfies the test you currently are working on. Nothing more, nothing less.
(more...)Filed under: Software craftsmanship, — Tags: Agile Central Europe 2011, Corey Haines — Thomas Sundberg — 2011-04-20
What is software craftsmanship about? It is about different things. One of them is technical excellence.
(more...)Filed under: Automation, Software craftsmanship, Software development, — Tags: Automated deployment, Automated testing, Automated un-deployment, Code review, Continuous integration, Feedback loop, Long feedback loops, Pair programming, Small releases, Test driven development — Thomas Sundberg — 2011-04-14
Why not hack away as usual and hope for the best?
(more...)Filed under: Software craftsmanship, — Tags: Automated test, DRY, Don't repeat yourself, Kent Beck, SRP, Simple, Single responsible principle — Thomas Sundberg — 2011-04-06
There are the four simple rules for software design that you always should follow. They are, in order of importance: